Before IV Sedation
Failure to comply with any of the following requirements will lead to cancellation of your procedure, and it may not be rescheduled.
- You may not have anything to eat or drink (including water) for eight hours prior to the appointment.
- No smoking for at least 12 hours before surgery. Ideally, cut down or stop smoking as soon as possible prior to the day of surgery. It is very important to not smoke for 2 weeks after surgery.
- A responsible adult must accompany the patient to the office, remain in the office during the procedure, and drive the patient home. That adult may not be responsible for any minors in addition to the patient undergoing sedation. The sedated patient must have a designated and devoted escort that will not be responsible for any minors.
- The patient should not drive a vehicle or operate any machinery for 24 hours following anesthesia.
- Please wear loose fitting clothing with sleeves which can be loosely rolled up to the shoulders, and low-heeled shoes.
- Contact lenses, jewelry, oral piercings and dentures must be removed at the time of surgery.
- Do not wear lipstick, excessive makeup, or nail polish on the day of surgery.
- If you have an illness such as a cold, sore throat, stomach or upset bowels, please notify the office as soon as possible, as it may be unsafe to undergo sedation.
- If you take routine oral medications, please check with Dr. Fenton prior to your surgical date for instructions. Most medications can be taken as usual with a sip of water, but some can make anesthesia dangerous and require modification.